Find our Geocache!
We have hidden a geocache at the library, hiding in the Stacks (GC5BAJX). You will have fun finding our mystery cache as you walk around the library to find clues that lead to the final cache. To start looking for our cache, sign up for a free account on Geocaching.com and then use a GPS receiver or GPS-capable smart phone to begin your hunt.
What is Geocaching?
Geocaching is a global treasure hunt activity in which participants, a.k.a. "geocachers", use GPS coordinates to seek hidden caches. Nearly 2.5 million geocachers are hidden throughout the world. Most caches are physical containers that include a log book that geocachers sign when they find the cache. Some caches are "mystery" caches, like our cache, that require geocachers to solve a puzzle or find clues to reach the final cache. Watch this video for a brief introduction to geocaching. For more details on how to get started, visit Geocaching.com's Geocaching 101 guide.